Why I Created My True Home Technique.


As you crack another egg into the pan for breakfast, you wonder what it would be like to have gone out to gather eggs from your very own chickens this morning.

You’ve been dreaming of having a homestead for a couple years now.

You flip over the egg as your son stumbles into the kitchen with his earbuds in, watching YouTube.


“Good morning!” you say with a smile.

He doesn’t hear you and plops down in a chair at the table.

You can hear the faint sounds of whatever it is he’s listening to coming through his earbuds and it makes you cringe.


You long to spend time with your kids.

Outside on acreage, building things, tending to chickens, and growing food.

You don’t want to waste these precious years on YouTube and HOA dues.


The problem is society. There’s no escaping the lure of all things digital plus capitalism has everyone trying to keep up with the Joneses.

You’ve planted raised garden beds and plan activities with your kids in nature as much as possible.

But it just doesn’t feel like enough.

It’s not their livelihood and the kids are growing up so fast.

It feels like time is running away with them.


The truth is, life is flying by.


You have a vision of what you want for your family and you’ve worked so hard to get there.


But if you don’t make a change, you’re going to miss out on what matters most to you.

You’re afraid of wasting your life instead of taking advantage of every opportunity and living a life you love and are proud of.

You want to give your kids the experience of living in nature and creating a homestead.


What an incredible desire! Imagine what it will be like:

It’s the weekend and here’s what’s on the agenda:

  • Gathering eggs from the hen house
  • Building the raised garden bed for lettuce 
  • Gathering fallen tree branches to build a bonfire

Your kids are in heaven on your homestead!

They’d rather go outside to visit the chickens and take a quick ride on the zipline than watch gamers on YouTube.

You’re living your dream!


That’s why I created my True Home Technique. To take you from frustrated and disconnected to carefree and connected…with ease. 

You can have this. It will take some work, but we can get you there.