Grown Kids – Time to Move?

Is the house you bought when your kids were little getting to be too much now that they’re grown?

Do you feel a little guilty when you think about moving their stuff out of their childhood home?

I get it.

A lot of love has gone into that house, you’ve made memories there, it’s been home base for a long time.

And … it’s ok to wish for a place with less maintenance.

The people I talk to in this phase of life are wishing for something lower maintenance.

They want more time to travel.

Pick up some hobbies

And get out and actually ride those bikes that are hanging on the garage ceiling.

Maybe even live in a condo and walk to the fun bars and restaurants nearby!

How great would that be?

Whether you want to be in the city, out in the country, or something in between – it’s ok to be ready for a change.

This is a new phase of life that you get to define and create and enjoy.

There’s a lot that goes into downsizing and it can seem overwhelming.

But the first step is to determine how much home equity you have to work with and what your budget is for your next house.

There’s no need to eat the elephant in one bite.

You can break it down into small bites and take one at a time.

And in a matter of months, you could be waking up on a Saturday morning with nothing to do but…

drink coffee on your patio with a good book…

and make plans to meet friends for happy hour at the restaurant down the street.

Now that’s what I call livin’ the dream!